CRPS and sweating
On many levels, this is not a pleasant topic, but sweating excessively is a fact of life for many people with CRPS. And we’re not talking about a clammy CRPS-affected limb here; we’re talking about full-body sweats.
Of course, some of the more usual methods employed for cooling down are not recommended with CRPS. Taking a cold bath or shower may do far more harm than good, and allodynia means that something as simple as switching on a fan can cause pain levels to run through the roof.
I asked two of my clients if they would mind sharing their experiences.
“It’s not every night that it’s a problem, but when I do sweat, I SWEAT! And it only really happens at night; I rarely sweat a lot during the day. My doctor was concerned about my blood pressure and although it’s slightly raised, it doesn’t seem any worse at night than in the day.
“It usually seems to coincide with pain flares but the odd thing is that although I can be in bed much of the day at these times, the sweating only really starts at night. When it happens, it’s really horrible. The bedding is sodden, so you can imagine the state of my pyjamas!
“On occasions I’ve just got into the shower and turned it on. I start with the water at body temperature and then cool it just a little bit before bringing it back to body temperature. Doing this a few times helps. I’m still very hot, but I feel fresher and that makes me feel a lot better anyway.”
“I have night sweats and day sweats – and it’s dreadful! I get through so many changes of clothes and we now have to change the bed every couple of days. Our laundry has gone through the roof.
“I was surprised that my pain doctor was quite dismissive when I suggested to her that it was the CRPS. They tested my thyroid and also thought it may be a side effect of the medication, but I’m convinced that the main reason is the CRPS.
“Drinking really ice cold water seems to help. Fortunately, we have one of those fridges that makes ice cubes, so I always have a glass on the go. I also have fans in the front room and the bedroom. I keep them on low on the other side of the room from where I am and place a small screen in front of them to disperse the airflow so that it’s not all directed one way. This keeps the air circulating, so it helps a bit.”
CRPS and sweating: Other practical tips
Memory foam mattresses
If you suffer from excessive sweating, avoiding memory foam mattresses is best. They are designed to provide support by moulding to your body shape. To do this, the surface of the memory foam needs your body heat to warm it up. However, the material is synthetic and not breathable; instead, it reflects your body heat back towards you. In addition, the synthetic material is very poor at dispersing moisture.
Most importantly – dehydration
If you’re sweating a lot, you will quickly dehydrate, which will not only make you feel worse but can also be very dangerous if you become excessively dehydrated. An average person produces over a litre of sweat daily, so just imagine how much fluid your body loses if you sweat excessively. Drink plenty of fluids. Keep a ready supply of water to hand (it doesn’t have to be cold) and take regular sips. You should drink enough to ensure regular trips to the loo. If your urine is darker or cloudy, you are almost undoubtedly dehydrated, and if you’re not urinating at all, you are severely dehydrated.